
How To Remove A Double Sided Deadbolt

A double cardinal deadbolt lock is a pop pick among homeowners.

Unlike the single-cylinder option, yous demand a key to unlock the deadbolt from the inside or exterior your dwelling house.

Information technology is an added security feature, making it hard for burglars or intruders to enter your abode.

Removing this blazon of lock is easy, as long every bit you lot understand its mechanism and installation instructions.

Go along reading to larn how to remove a double key deadbolt without damaging its parts or your door.

How Double Central Deadbolts Work

Also chosen "double-cylinder locks," a double-key deadbolt requires a primal for locking and unlocking the door from the exterior or inside.

Different a typical single-cylinder lock, you tin't thumb-plough the lock to open it.

A double-cylinder lock might look simple and plain on the outside, only they are much more than complex on the inside.

A petty research to better understand its parts and how each 1 works can help y'all ready common lock bug, including proper removal.

Parts of a Double Cardinal Deadbolt

Beneath are some of the well-nigh important parts of a deadbolt:


The bolt refers to the small piece of metal that extends from the door and into the frame.

When yous close the door, the commodities will lock to prevent someone from opening information technology from the exterior or the within without a central.

Pollex Latch

The thumb latch is the part of a double-key deadbolt that extends from the surface.

Information technology rotates and unlocks the deadbolt from the inside.


Turnpiece is the locking mechanism of a deadbolt that extends from the cylinder on the outer key.

This component is connected to the pollex latch, allowing the user to operate the lock.


The keyhole is where you lot insert the fundamental.

Strike Plate

This is a piece of metal attached to the doorjamb itself. Information technology works by extending the bolt into the hole to keep it airtight.

The strike plate also protects the rest of the structure against friction and increases the level of security provided.

How To Remove a Double Key Deadbolt

Whether you're updating your domicile locks or replacing a broken 1, y'all can remove a double-key deadbolt with just a few tools.

The trouble is, some deadbolts are mounted using tamper-resistant screws.

If that'southward the case with your lock, it's more advisable to hire a locksmith.

Getting around with tampered screws is possible, but in that location'due south a large gamble that you volition damage your deadbolt and your door in the process.

Here's how to remove a double fundamental deadbolt in easy steps:

Step 1: Prep the Tools

You only demand a few tools to get started. These are:

  • Phillips-head screwdriver
  • 5/64-inch Allen wrench
  • Door prop
  • Container to hold door hardware
tips on how to remove a double key deadbolt

Step 2: Unscrew the Deadbolt Faceplate

Start by removing the existing deadbolt faceplate from the door edge.

The faceplate has two flathead screws. You will need to remove them using a Phillips screwdriver.


Schlage and Falcon double-cylinder deadbolts characteristic concealed screws to prevent tampering.

Some models brand apply of screw caps, while others have a faceplate.

Deadbolts that utilize spiral caps are easy to place because you volition see two circular caps over the thru bolts.

You lot tin can remove these caps by drilling them out. If they aren't securely attached to the door border, yous might be able to pry them off.

After removing the spiral caps, you tin so uninstall the screws every bit usual.

Double-central deadbolts with faceplates volition appear to have standard housing on both the outside and the inside.

You tin pry off the faceplate by using a small-scale flat screwdriver.

There's a minor divot under the cylinder plug hole where y'all can insert the flat screwdriver.

However, you have to be extra careful not to harm the faceplate if you plan on installing it again.

After removing the faceplate, y'all'd exist able to run across the thru bolts, which you lot can now unscrew normally.

Footstep 3: Uninstall the Thumb Latch Assembly

Remove the thumb latch from the interior side of the door.

Depending on the brand and model of your deadbolt lock, you may remove the screw bolts from either side.

So, pull it horizontally from the door.

Pace 4: Loosen the Bolt

Insert the long shaft of the wrench into the space on either side of the bolt.

Then, turn the set spiral counter-clockwise two or three times to loosen it. Repeat these steps on the other side.

Pace five: Remove the Cylinders

Turn the cylinders clockwise until its free of the mortise housing.

You tin can insert the key halfway to assist turn the cylinder. Then, practice the same for the reverse side.

Step 6: Remove the Commodities Assembly

Later on loosening up the parts, you can at present safely pull the bolt from the door border.

Lastly, remove the housing from the door hole.

Tips for Removing Double Central Deadbolts

Consider cutting effectually the perimeter of the deadbolt using a sharp utility pocketknife.

Doing this will prevent yous from peeling or damaging the door's stop while yous remove the lock.

If you lot plan on reinstalling the deadbolt, have a container nearby where y'all tin place all the parts yous just disassembled.

Some parts tin be also small, such equally the screws, and so you must have a container set up before you start uninstalling the lock.

If you're unsure what you're doing, or you tin can't remove the deadbolt after post-obit the steps in a higher place, it's best to call a locksmith.

Again, different makes and models of double-fundamental deadbolts volition accept varying designs and security features.

As such, the style of uninstalling them might be slightly dissimilar.

You also want to remove the lock slowly. Prying on the commodities gently won't impairment the lock if the bolt is well-designed and properly installed.

If there are no screws on the inside plate, they could be hidden somewhere.

Information technology depends on the model and make of deadbolt lock you're using.

For stubborn parts, you lot can usually loosen them by tapping the caput of the screw with an old chisel and hammer in a counter-clockwise direction.

You tin too use pliers to assistance take out the screws.


Removing a double-key deadbolt may non exist the easiest, but it'south something you can do with trivial help from the pros.

Plus, you merely demand a few tools to get it washed.

It'due south of import to do each footstep gently and properly to forestall damaging the bolt and your door, especially if yous plan on reinstalling the lock.


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